How to Increase Carbonation in 5 Easy Steps

You crack open a kombucha bottle and what do you hear…. no bubbling, no hissing? Your kombucha has gone flat. This crash course will serve as a guide for you to increase carbonation in all of your kombucha drinks.

1. Choose the Right Bottle
Choosing the right bottle is key to increasing carbonation. Airtight bottles, such as EZ cap glass bottles and growlers, create a seal that prevents CO2  from escaping. These bottles are also sturdy enough to withstand the increased pressure built up in the drink. The only time you should loosen the cap is when you are making your bottle burp. For FAQs, click here.

2. Keep in Check Length of the Second Fermentation
The second fermentation is when you bottle your kombucha and allow it to ferment. During this stage, you are able to flavor and carbonate your drink. At room temperature (about 65-72°F), the bottled kombucha should be out for at least 24 hours and no more than 4 days. After a day, slowly open the bottle to check for carbonation. The longer the second fermentation is, the more carbonation there will be. When the fizziness and flavor is to your liking, place the bottle in the refrigerator to slow the fermentation. Note: Don’t shake the bottle. This will result in a fizzy mess.

3. Don’t Put Too Little Kombucha Into the Bottle
Funnel the kombucha into the bottle with a maximum 1 in. headspace. The less space you have, the more carbonation will form. Make sure you don’t have too little kombucha in the bottle or it won’t get as fizzy!

4. Pick the Right Flavoring
Flavor your kombucha with fresh juice or fruits. The sugar will feed the bacteria and yeast, creating carbonation. Check out these delicious recipes for idea, click here.

5. Watch the Thermostat
Temperature is a major factor in increasing carbonation. During the warmer months, the activity of the bacteria increases and carbonation forms quicker. On the other hand, fizziness will take more time during the colder months because the bacteria will become less active.

6. Yeast It Up or Down
If you do not have enough fizziness, then you may be lacking yeast in your second fermentation brew. However, if you have too much yeast in your brew then it will create too much carbonation. A balanced brew is best to achieve. If you are lacking fizziness then ladle kombucha from the bottom of the main brew as this is where the most yeast would be located. If you have too much fizziness, ladle kombucha from the top of the main brew.

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